Sunday, July 26, 2020

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Solutions of all E-Way Bill issues.

  Change to multiple vehicle

This option allows consignment of one e-way bill to move in multiple vehicles. This option is used when the good have moved to some place in a bigger vehicle and further it is not possible to move in same mode of transport or vehicle. So, the goods are moved further in smaller vehicles.

For example, an e-way bill is generated and needs to be moved from A to C. Here, the consignment moves from A to B via Rail or bigger vehicle. Now, it is not possible to move the consignment from B to C in the same mode of transportation due to unavailability of that mode or may be due to hilly region where big vehicles cannot be used. In such cases, the consignment needs to be moved in multiple smaller vehicles.

Update EWB transporter

The system enables the user to update the Transporter details against a particular EWB, if the transporter is getting changed for the further movement of the goods. Here, the present transporter can only update the next transporter and subsequently, the next transporter is enabled to update the Part-B till he has been changed. If the transporter is not there, then the generator of the e-way bill can update the transporter.

Update EWB  Trans.-Bulks

Using this option the user can update Transporter ID in bulk for multiple e-way bills in one go to reduce large amount of data entries and save time.

Re- Generation of EWB

The E-Way Bill system gives the user an option to update the transportation details for the consolidated EWB and re-generate the new Consolidated EWB (CEWB).

A user can update the transportation or vehicle number for the consolidated EWB by selecting the sub option ‘Re-Generate’ under the option ‘consolidated EWB’. The following screen is displayed on clicking this option.

On this screen, the user shall enter the 10 digit consolidated EWB or by selecting the date on which the consolidated EWB was generated. A list of consolidated EWB will be shown as shown in below figure; the user shall select the particular consolidated EWB to update the vehicle number.

Summary report of generated EWB

Using this option user can view the list all the EWBs generated by the user on a selected date along with relevant parameters. The user can export the report in an excel by clicking on ‘Export to Excel” tab

Bulk Generation of E-WAY BILL

The user can then upload the JSON file for the selected option and generate the respective Master accordingly.

Mistakes overcome while generating e way bills

To overcome these mistakes, the following actions may be taken by the Tax Payers/Operators.
  • Enter your Clients/Customers and Suppliers master in the master menu – The tax payer has been facilitated on the e-Way Bill system to create onetime master details of his/her customers and suppliers by just entering the GSTIN. This helps in easily populating the customers and suppliers details by the system, just by typing his/her name at name field while generating the e-Way Bills. This avoids the mistakes in GSTIN, Place, State and PIN codes of customers or suppliers.

  • Enter your products master in the master menu – The tax payer can create his/her product masters by entering the product details like name, HSN, rate of tax, etc. So that the product details are auto populated by the system by just typing the 2-3 chars of product name. This avoids the mistakes in HSN code, rate of tax, UQC, etc.

  •  Verify before submission - The operators can cross-check the values of parameters entered before submitting.

  • Manage sub-users carefully – Some of the tax payers may not operate directly themselves always and also they may have multiple additional places from where they need to generate the e-way bills for movement of goods. To achieve this, the tax payers can create the sub-users to manage the e-way bill system depending upon the requirements. The different roles can also be assigned to these users. However, the tax payers should take care while generating these users. Whenever, the employees/operators/managers change, he/she should change the password or freeze the account from miss-utilising the same.
  • Register for other facilities carefully – There are other facilities to register. They are SMS based and Android based e-Way Bill management and registration to work as a transporter. The utmost care should be taken while using these facilities to avoid miss-utilisation. SMS based E-way Bill has to be generated carefully to avoid mistakes while typing the parameters. The registration as transporter facilitates the tax payers to generate the e-Way Bill for other parties as a transporter.

  • API Interface - The best method for the large tax payers/transporters, who generate the large number of e-Way Bills, is API interface. This is site-to-site integration of the systems for e-way Bill generation. In this method, the tax payer system will directly request the E-way Bill system while generating invoice in his system and get the e-Way Bill number. This can be printed on the Invoice document and movement of the goods can be started. This avoids duplicate data entry and eliminates complete data entry mistakes. To use this facility, the tax payers have to request the department for this service. This facility is available only for the selected large tax payers or transporters, who generate the more than the defined invoices in a month. These defined invoices in a month will be changed as per the required by the government time-to-time.

How to unblock E WAY and generate new e-way bill


In this case, the taxpayers can come across the following two situations:

(a.) A pop-up message (refer Figure 1), will appear every single time the blocked taxpayer tries to generate new e-way bill or goes for bulk generation.

(b.) If any taxpayer/transporter enters the blocked GSTIN as other party while e-way bill generation, then
similar message will appear


Once the Return-3B is filed in the GST Common Portal, the blocked GSTIN will get automatically updated as
‘Unblocked’ within a day in the e-Waybill system and the tax payer can continue with e-way bill generation.
However, if the status is not updated in e-waybill system, then the taxpayer can do it immediately by going
to the e-Waybill portal and clicking on the option Search-> Update Block Status. Enter the GSTIN, followed
by the CAPTCHA and click on GO.

the GSTIN and the blocked status will be displayed.

The user must now click on the button: Update Unblock Status From GST Common Portal

This will fetch the status of filing from the GST Common Portal and if filed, the status in e-Waybill system will subsequently get updated.

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